The similarity between the stone of Coadry and the Holy Cross was so obvious that it must have been a connection between them in the lore. A thousand years ago there were a pagan temple in Coadry. But one day, St. Candide and Father Ratian came to evangelize the country. The temple became empty of worshipers and fell totally in ruins. But the Lord of Céans, Count Trévalot, saw his castle besieged by his cruel and dangerous rival, the lord Coaforn. The count, in danger, felt his last hours ringing, and as he was devout Christian, he vowed , in case of victory , to build a chapel in honor of Christ. And it was victory ! So the old count made harnessed a chariot with two oxen and drove hitch out of the court of the manor. The oxen stopped their race near the old ruined temple Coadry. So at this point, according to the vow, that will be built chapel of Coadry.
As soon as the workers were there to get the job, that huge brambles that covered the temple had disappeared, the most beautiful flowers were blooming, the cross stone had appeared and a source had sprung, endowed with special medicinal properties that were pilgrims coming from far away... It is said that the chapel was built with the help of a giant of 25 meters high !
In the twelfth century, there was a famine and pilgrims were blamed for the evil. The chapel was burnt down by the mob, but the smoke from the fire had scattered piles of "cross stone", according to the wind direction was then east to west up to Coray.
Two centuries later, we had forgotten the name of the Saint that we prayed in the chapel. So we asked God to which it could be dedicated. The tradition is an old Breton song has said: "These stones, each bearing the cross, the other nails and thorns of the crown."
Consequently, the locals dedicated the chapel to Christ. Pilgrimages resumed in Coadry ; poor sold the cross stones to passing pilgrims. A century ago, they were trading for 0.25 francs (0,25 Gold Franc, of course).
The stones of Coadry should ensure the protection against shipwreck, before rabid dogs, before eye diseases and against the madness.