Using Litto3D® Data
The Litto3D® database is distributed as «Open Data» which allows free access and use for everyone.
These recent data have many applications, including risk prevention.
Flooding due to storm Xynthia confirmed the importance of precise mapping for the littoral zones exposed to marine flood risk.
Example application for marine flood risk
Marine flooding occurs when the sea temporarially inundates coastal areas higher than its usual tides. This «hazard» could have socio-economic impacts for the region.
Flooding zones identified by MNT Litto3D ® for Morgat (upper) and Camaret-sur-Mer (lower)
Flooding zones identified by aerial photos for Morgat (upper) and Camaret-sur-Mer (lower)
Flooding zone due to climate change (+ 60 cm in extreme scenario)
Flooding zone for high tide with a large tide coefficient
Flooding zone for an extreme scenario (high tide and 100-year storm)
Base level in 100 years (+ 60 cm)
Mean sea level (current base level)
Project resources
Le projet de recherche Cocorisco; COnnaissance, COmpréhension et gestion des RISques COtiers
Application en ligne “Cartélie” pour la cartographie des zones basses littorales
Le plan climat énergie territoire du Parc Naturel Régional d’Armorique